What is GI?
The Glycemic index is a measurement that indicates foods based on how fast and how high they can impact on your blood sugar. The lower the GI level, the less the blood sugar will be increased. According to the recent research, GI levels of 55 or less are considered Low- GI food. GI levels of 56 – 69 are considered medium-GI food. GI levels which higher than 70 are considered High-GI food. Low GI foods can help you control blood sugar rate, prevent diabetes and heart diseases, and in addition reduce body fat.
How to choose your daily meal?
Breakfast: Almost all the diaries contain a low level of GI. The GI level of whole milk, skimmed milk, yogurt, and soy milk are lower than 45. Plus, research had been discovered that when compared low-fat vs whole- fat dairy, there’s no difference been found in weight gain. Fruits also contain low GI level. Just be careful, do not consume too much watermelon in the summertime. Its GI level reaches to 72 when serves per 120g.
Main Meal:
Seafood, skinless chicken, beef, turkey, beans, and vegetables are considered low GI foods. High GI level foods for main meals are typical white-grain refined food, such as noodle and white rice. If you want to lose weight, you should consume multi-grain or brown rice/noodle, instead of white grain meals. Eating meat with low GI foods can help you reduce weight gain.
Researchers had found that the high- protein foods helped to prevent weight gain. Refined foods, such as white grains, starches, artificial sugars should be avoided consuming too much in meals.